Sonntag, 17. Dezember 2006

Full Disclosure

You got to love the folks at Nuanced Entertainment and Loudant wanting to share the development effort with all the fans.

They made their development board public for anyone to read.

Here's the list of developers, I guess the scores of devs they claim are located in Oregon aren't going to be bothered to register on the development forum. Let this scattered ragged band of unemployable volunteer developers worry about development forums and the such.

And what can I say about the folks at Loudant? They are sharing their development wiki with the world so that anyone can contribute to this collaborative effort.
Next stop: OPEN SOURCE

Don't let the very few views worry you. It's need to know basis only. The people who need to know.... they know

There's only 4 guys here....the spirit of wiki demands more warm bodies

Trying to decide what this game is going to be like. It's always good to go back to the drawing board, even when you say you're at 90%.

This guy needs to be informed of the party line. Write 1000 times: "90% complete and open beta by the end of the year"

They should be lining up for a free 3d engine : you can too

Coming soon: more good stuff

9 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…
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Bears hat gesagt…

Thrones of Chaos just erased the Development Board and wiki in hopes to hide the information. Hopefully they know you took Pics. This is exactly how Mourning's Devs behaved.

If you have more information, post it!

Anonym hat gesagt…

that looks like a nice photoshop job.
what a bunch a lifeless losers. haha

who takes the time to make up artwork than try and pass it off as being real.


Gromdar hat gesagt…

uhmm even if these were real , whats the point??? I think I missed it

The title should be "Full stupidity" for whoever posted these because all they show is that a project is being worked on and they look about 4 months old already.

so much for "full disclosure". ;/

Bears hat gesagt…

These are just more Thrones of Chaos spammers. Not only do they frequently send hatemail to crtics but they spam all over the net. There is frequent evidence that most of it is being done by 1-2 people that are part of ToC's crew.

It was real, I saw it. The author is right. The fact is that the LouDAnt has said the game was nearly done, 90% finished and ready for beta Q4 2006 or Q1 2007.There was recently a unexplained delay in the beta. This proves the engine isn't nearly as complete or revolutionary as LoudAnt claims. It's the same piece of shit that Mourning was running on.

Bears hat gesagt…

I also like how both of sanquin and gromdar started their blogging accounts (Dec 2006) just to comment on this story.

KoC hat gesagt…

Good job, man. thanks for keeping it real. I really wanted to support these guys, but they chose the low road of deceit and trickery rather than the high-road of honesty.

Even after the Stratics live chat incident, I was ready to give these guys the benefit of the doubt and turn the other cheek. But, now with all this bad form, it caused me to dig, finding this stuff which is just sad.

I'm sure they are trying to really get the engine working eventually and would like to eventually have ToC working (maybe???) but the truth is they really don't give a crap about treating their fanbois (like me) with respect, they choose these really unsavory clandestine tactics (fake profiles etc), give you the run-around on their boards and eventually lock threads when your questions get to hot-under-the-collar, etc.

This behavior has disappointed me because I'm starting to believe this is all a song and dance and even if they dont intend their product to be vaporware, their behavior is setting them up for it.

I guess they are hiding the truth of where they are so that they will get funding. That's my only guess.

Unknown hat gesagt…

lawl look at all the ToC fanbois LAWL! *points* lawl!

Zorvan hat gesagt…

And Colton and his buds tried to prove me wrong with the best attempts they could (course their best wouldn't cut it in Kindergarten). It's nice for myself and others like Maphusio who saw right through 'em from the very beginning to finally be vindicated in our protestations against these scammers.